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Learn fielding fundamentals from the pros

The Confident Infielder

If your son has 15 minutes a day, he can master elite fielding fundamentals 

 A step-by-step program with MLB infielder Doug Bernier


Would it help your son’s baseball dreams come true if he could...  

  • Make more great plays and fewer costly, embarrassing errors?
  • Make exciting game-winning outs? (He'll remember those days for the rest of his life)
  • Impress coaches & recruiters?
  • Earn a spot on a prestigious All-Star team?
  • Play baseball in high school, college or pro?  

Learning elite defense did all that and more for me.  

And now I’ve watched as young players all over the country are taking their future in baseball into their own hands by becoming elite defenders.  

Excelling in the infield has given them an edge (more playing time, better results at tryouts, scholarships, etc) 

...while also making the game more enjoyable, MORE FUN, than ever before.  

And it could do exactly that for YOU.

If your son can spend 15 minutes a day on baseball this fall, then he can learn to be an elite fielder.  

The secret to getting noticed... even if you're NOT the most talented guy on the field

Hi, I’m Doug Bernier.

Six years before my Major League debut at Coors Field, I wasn't considered a big prospect. Not even close.

In fact, I wasn't even drafted.

After the draft my senior year of college, I thought I was done with baseball forever.

Fortunately for me, the Colorado Rockies had room for one more infielder and signed me as an undrafted free agent.

Once again, I was shown how much defense is a separator.

That year, I faced a very familiar scenario - there were players who were more talented than I was…. who were bigger than I was… who could hit better than I could. Sound familiar?

But at the end of the year, they got sent home and I stayed.

Fast forward 5 teams later (Rockies, Yankees, Pirates, Twins, and Rangers), and I've just retired from 16 year career playing professional baseball.

So, why would an average height/speed/slugging player get promoted when other more talented guys were sent home?

The answer is because of what I am going to teach you in this online curriculum... 

...elite felding fundamentals.

When you are an elite infielder, you steal runs from the other team. Coaches will want you, and scouts/recruiters will notice.

45 day program to learn elite defense fielding fundamentals

“In 2005, Rockies' Walt Weiss hailed Bernier as the best defensive player in the organization.” 

- Source: Player scouting report

When I learned elite defensive fundamentals, it quite literally changed my life. 

It restored my confidence on the baseball field and helped keep baseball fun for me after a dissastrous showcase tryout (when I realized that if I wanted to achieve my dream of playing in the Major Leagues, this very critical reality check showed me I wasn't going to get there as a pitcher! 

It was a defining moment in my baseball career).

Even if nothing else, I'd have been very grateful for that alone...

But that's not all it did!

Minnesota Twins shortstop Doug Bernier applies tag as Angels' Gordan Beckham slides into 2nd base.

...I never would have earned a full ride to a D1 university (where I met my wife, btw... talk about life changing!)

...I certainly would never have played baseball in the Major Leagues

...and I wouldn't be 16 years deep into this career of playing the game that I love

(Many of my teammates have joked with me that my defense “bought me time to learn how to hit.”)

No matter if you play U12 or college baseball, the truth is that you can’t really get better at hitting without game at-bats. 

Well, good defense will buy you playing time. 

5 reasons why most infield instruction leaves players frustrated

(And the secrets behind instruction that gets results!)

Reason #1 - The cliches don't help much

If you've spent much time around a baseball field, you've heard the following cliche fielding instruction before: 

  • "Charge the baseball" 
  • "Take small steps" 
  • "Have soft hands” 

Too often, what missing is the why, when and HOW of this commonly thrown-around advice.  

I can tell you to go build a house by saying "pour a foundation" and "build the walls." But if you don't ALREADY know how to do those things, you'd probably appreciate a bit more information if you're going to avoid frustration and poor results, right? 

Unfortunately, we frequently do the same thing to our young players. 

For example, what most infield instructors don't know (or don't teach) is that "soft hands" is actually a result of footwork, beginning way before you ever get a glove on the baseball. 

So, "charge the baseball!" ... sure... with proper footwork, timing, approach angles, a good read on the ball, proper glove arrangement, and setup for the transition with maximum efficiency... I could keep going, but I think you get the point.  

There is much being left out when someone says something overly simplistic like "charge the ball.” 

This can lead to intense frustration for players who are trying their hardest to follow instructions but still aren't getting the results they want. 

Reason #2 - Instructors don't understand the importance of "adjustability" (or don't know how to teach it)

Adjustability is what puts you in control - rather than being at the mercy of the baseball.  

It's knowing HOW to handle ANY hop or late read.  

It gave me an incredible amount of confidence to know I could react to whatever came my way.... and not just react, but actually plan ahead and control the outcome to be exactly how I wanted it. That's why it's one of the biggest keys to eliminating errors.  

Adjustability is comprised of footwork, glovework, angles, anticipation, and being familiar with all of the options and tools that an infielder MUST have at his disposal.  

If any of those tools are missing, you will be at a disadvantage.  

Reason #3 - Many instructors never tested-what-they-teach at an elite level

I can't count the number of times I've heard ideas thrown around and taught at youth league levels where I thought... 

"That might work now, but it won't work anymore when the game gets faster."

It is unfortunately INCREDIBLY common for players to learn a "correct" way to do something that no longer works a year or two down the road as the speed of the game increases. 

In fact, I believe this is the #1 reason young players develop bad habits that hold them back when they get older.

There are a lot of amazing coaches and well-meaning parents who simply have never actually fielded a groundball or line drive coming off of a 95 mph pitch and then needed to throw out a world class runner at first base. It's during moments like that where bad habits and innefficiencies reveal themselves.

In baseball fielding - even at the youth level - every tenth-of-a-second matters. 

Movements must be efficient without being rushed (which causes errors). 

And since trying to change bad habits in high school or college or pro ball is NOT an easy thing to do, it's important to learn to do things properly early on. You can't wait until the speed of the game increases before you decide it's time to make some adjustments. It may very well be too late by then. 

Reason #4 - Head knowledge isn't enough

Baseball is not just about head knowledge. 

It’s about turning that knowledge into something your body and mind can do correctly consistently, in high pressure situations.

Baseball is a sport of reflexes. 

I may know I need to return a 90 mile an hour tennis serve or I’ll lose the game. That doesn't mean I can just go out there and do it.  

Pounding a bunch of information into your head and then being left alone to figure out how to incorportate it on the baseball field is about as useful as bathing suit in an Alaskan winter. 

Really, that's just setting yourself up for failure. No wonder it leads to frustration!

So, even when you've got an idea of what proper fielding fundamentals should be, training your body to actually do them is a whole other matter. 

After 15 years of playing professional baseball, I know deeply, intimately well that just having head knowledge is NOT ENOUGH. 

The whole idea is to Learn (head knowledge) + Feel (progression of exercises that lead you into performing the proper physical action for the 1st time) + Execute (again and again and again) = a couple of fancy words called long-term potentiation (The brain's synapses are primed to fire in the proper order) and mylineation (the brain is optimized to perform a skill).  

In other words, you'll get to a point where that new skill becomes automatic... and this is the ONLY WAY to actually master these skills. 

Good instructors know how to take infielders on that journey from just understanding correct fundamentals to actually teaching the body to respond with proper fundamentals... automatically, without thinking. 

Unfortunately, too many well-meaning instructors just don't know how to guide players through that journey. 

Reason #5 - The boulder effect

Errors are confidence crushing... and contagious!

#5 is really a culmination of reasons #1 - 4. Until players have come to a deep understanding of defensive fundamentals, they're far more likely to... 

  • Make more errors
  • Have a harder time recovering mentally after making an error
  • Have a more difficult time self-correcting when things are feeling "off"
  • Become a victim of those days team morale is low

I know that feeling... feeling all scrambled up inside after making an error. Knowing that everyone is watching you, and feeling completely alone out there. 

Like. an. island.

Recovering from an error can feel like you're trying to stop a boulder that's already begun to roll down the mountain.

And it's so much worse when you're not sure exactly what happened or how to fix it!

Or even worse... you doubt your ability to make those tough plays!

At least if I know what went wrong, my mental dialogue is completely different - "Let's go Doug. You got this. Do it right next time." 

Is a lot better than... 

"don't hit the ball to me, don't hit the ball to me...!"

That's the difference between a fielder who understands his craft vs one who doesn't. 

When all an infielder has to rely on is cliches and instruction that he doesn't really understand how to follow... that soul-crushing feeling after you've made an error can linger for many days or even weeks!

So naturally, that leads to the next question...

How do you become an elite infielder?

This is actually not an easy question for most people to answer. 

Recently a coach told me about how his son, who has been playing on elite competitive football teams for several years now, was fortunate enough to have a former NFL player for his coach this year. 

After his first practice, his son came home very excited. His words were...

"Dad, I learned more in practice today than I did all last season!"

That's the advantage of learning from someone who has tried and tested what really works at an elite level. However, finding a coach like that is easier said than done!

Does any of this sound familiar?

"My kid attends baseball camps"

I was the pro instructor recently at a 3 hour pro camp where parents paid $175 for their kids to participate and learn infield. 

$175 for 3 hours

And do you know how much those kids learned in the 3 hours? 

Unfortunately, not much. 

And it's not really anyones fault! 

Your kid is advanced, but the kid next to him doesn't know which hand to put his glove on (ok, maybe that's a slight exageration, but you get the point).

Anytime you have a group of kids in a setting like that, the instructor will be forced to cater to the least experienced player. I was able to share a few helpful nuggets with the more advanced kids, but not nearly what I wanted to. 

It was honestly very frustrating for me, and I can only image the players and parents were far more frustrated than I was... or at least they would be if they understood how much more they could be learning!

"Well, can't coach teach infield fundamentals?"

Coaches are amazing. I've been priveledged to work with hundreds of great coaches, many of whom have shaped me to be the kind of person I am today. I have more respect for coaches than I can express in words.

Unfortunately, the truth is that most coaches just don't really know and understand infield on a deep level. Even of the professional coaches I've worked with, I can count on one hand the number who truly understand and could articulate how elite fielding fundamentals work. 

Furthermore, even the coaches who know fielding only have a very limited amount of practice time to devote to teaching it.

(I do, however, find it interesting that almost all of them can recognize an elite infielder when they see one! The footwork is a dead giveaway)

"There's tons of free instruction on the internet"

Is it really free when you have to invest hours and hours sifting through junk to find a few nuggets of gold?

Sure there is loads of free "instruction" on the internet...

....Blogs, forums, YouTube, Facebook groups.

....Self-proclaimed gurus.

....Conflicting information.

The problem is, it’s usually just not very good.

You might be tired of sorting through bits and pieces of debates and "how to's"... all of which may, or may not be reliable.

(Honestly, I can't think of anything worse than sifting through an ocean of highly suspicious"advice" on the internet.)

Most likely you'll have wasted hours of time and you're still not sure of the best way to teach, demonstrate or practice fielding fundamentals...

Or you'll find loads of information that scratches the surface and never dives deep, leaving big holes and you scratching your head, still wondering exactly how to get from A to Z.

"We'll just figure it out on our own"

Learning proper fundamentals on your own when you don’t have much guidance is process of trial and error. 

It’s time consuming, but it can work.

The problem with too much trial and error in baseball is that many times we develop bad habits. 

Those bad habits then become so physically and mentally engrained in use that even when we learn a better way to do something, we have very hard time making the adjustment. 

It can take years to unlearn a habit like that. 

"What about private lessons? "

Most private instructors really only focus on hitting and they don't understand infield at a level deep enough to teach it properly.  

In 30 years of baseball, I've only met a handful of coaches, such as Mike Gallego, Walt Weise, Rafael Belliard, Kenny Holmberg, who were really able to communicate and teach a deep understanding of playing infield.  

But, assuming you CAN find a good instructor, at $80 to $100 a pop, private lessons can easily cost thousands $$$$ to learn everything needed to MASTER good infield fundamentals. 

What about a comprehensive online program that you can do at your own pace and will lead you step-by-step to achieving the results you want? 

l've always loved online courses. Why? Because they often represent years of hard work condensed into a simple, easy to follow step-by-step plan...

...and that's exactly what my new course, The Confident Infielder, is all about. It's an end-to-end 60 day training that will walk you through how to master the elite infield fundamentals that will make you desired by coaches and recruiters, and ultimately make you a more confident and successful baseball player.

The Confident Infielder is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step program for teaching infielders elite infield fundamentals.

I've condensed more than 2 decades of learning from the best infielders and coaches ever to play the game, along with my own experience, into this 60 day program

And here's exactly how it works:

Over the course of 60 days, I'll show you everything you need to take an infielder from A to Z when learning elite defensive fundamentals, including:

  •  The exact mechanics that will increase your infielders' consistency, reducing errors while increasing range.
  • A step-by-step, daily practice schedule, designed to introduce and master these techniques over 60 days. So each day, just follow the plan and trust the process. You'll be shocked at how much you've improved after 60 days!
  • Lifetime (forever) access to a library of learning exercises and practice drills (with video!) organized by defensive skill

I'll show you the exact fielding techniques that will build confidence, making baseball more fun while helping your team win games and getting noticed by coaches, recruiters and scouts.

What people are saying

“He’s always played great defense... If you hit it to him [Doug Bernier], you’re out. That’s the bottom line. He’s really consistent and he has range and he can do some things.” 

- Joe Girardi - Manager for the NY Yankees (Source)

Bernier and Jeter playing a game during infield practice - Tampa, 2012

Billy Wagner | 7x All Star MLB closing pitcher

" We have 3 guys going to D1 schools and it's a huge part in thanks to Doug Bernier's 7 steps to learning infield fundamentals. " 

- Billy Wagner, 7x MLB All Star Pitcher

“He’s always played great defense... If you hit it to him [Doug Bernier], you’re out. That’s the bottom line. He’s really consistent and he has range and he can do some things.” 

- Joe Girardi - Manager for the NY Yankees (Source)

Bernier and Jeter playing a game during infield practice - Tampa, 2012

Trevor Plouffe | MN Twins 3rd Baseman

" Doug is very knowledgeable about all infield positions... 2nd base, 3rd base, shortstop... It was pleasure to go to work with him every day. We would talk about the subtle nuances - positioning, footwork - Doug was a master of them all. If you need any help with infield, Doug is the guy to go to. " 

- Trevor Plouffe, MN Twins 3rd baseman

Brett Nicholas | Texas Rangers' Catcher

"Doug is fundamentally one of the most sound players I've ever played with... he's also one of the most knowledgeble players I've ever played with." - Brett Nicholas, TX Rangers Catcher

 “ I personally played with Doug and not only is he an excellent ball player, but an incredibly hard worker and genuinely a great guy. His attitude and skill in the game is what makes him so successful both in playing and teaching baseball. ” 

David Robertson | Chicago Whitesox Pitcher

James Jones| Texas Rangers

“In 2005, Rockies coach [now Manager] Walt Weiss hailed Bernier as the best defensive player in the organization.”  

- Player scouting report

Jared Hoying | Texas Rangers' outfielder

“I have played with or against Doug Bernier for over 10 years now. I’ve also been fortunate enough to play alongside a few Hall of Famers as well. There’s no doubt Doug Bernier is as fundamentally sound as anyone I’ve ever played with. But more importantly he’s one of the best people you will find in the game!” — Steve Holm, Catcher for the Minnesota Twins, formerly with the SF Giants

- Steve Holm, former catcher for SF Giants

Inside this Program

Module 1 - Ready position

  •  The 3 common mistakes that rob you of range and how to fix them
  •  The one simple exercise to show if your infielders are getting ready on time - and convince them you're right!
  •  How & why ready position changes based on your position
  •  Your "ready position" habits will influence every other aspect of your fielding. Module 1 includes a 7 day program to develop good habits and make sure your ready position is working for you - not against you!
  • Bonus - 2 plug-n-play team practice plans for Ready Position, 10 minutes each

Module 2 - Range

When pitchers trust their infield, they're not afraid of early contact = fewer pitches thrown = your best pitchers can go deeper into the game. 

  • 5 keys to increasing your infield coverage up to 8 feet (per player)
  • How to make fewer errors by increasing "area of routine"
  • The two habits that can increase your range without leaving your house (#2 is definitely a learned skill, and I'm going to break down how to do it).
  • Why the common advice "get around the baseball" is wrong, and what you should do instead
  • Which fielding angles work best to increase range
  • The onfield habits that most elite infielders have in common
  • Advanced tips and situational strategies for increasing range of the entire infield
  • How to make accurate throws, even when fielding at the very edge of your range

Module 3 - Footwork

  • How to achieve the footwork that scouts and recruiters drool over
  • Why the common advice "get around the baseball" is wrong, and what you should do instead
  • Why the timing and placement of your right foot may be the most important thing you ever learn about fielding
  • The 7 laws of footwork for maintaining balance and momentum (think smooth, consistent fielding that impresses people and gets more runners out)
  • How your footwork controls if you get a good or bad part of the hop
  • The most difficult aspect of infield to teach made easier with a step-by-step plan you can use again and again. This 10 day Action Plan leads players through a progress, beginning with developing a feel for the proper footwork and then accelerating mastery to game speed.
  •  And lots more! (I'm being serious. That's only about half of what's in this module.)
The Action Plan for Infield Footwork - The confident infielder

Module 4 - Routine Fielding Position

The routine fielding position is one of the most important skills for any infielder to master (it's also the most embarrassing to make a mistake on 😬). 

Mastering the routine fielding position
  • Three keys to making less errors
  • The worst bad habits to avoid like the plague (including 2 myths I hear taught frequently)
  • What style differences are ok
  •  The 9 day plan for mastering your routine fielding position
  • Nomar vs A-Rod style of fielding, which is best?

Module 5 - Backhand

  • 6 reasons why a good backhand makes playing the infield MUCH easier.
  •  The one big mistake you're probably (most definitely) making if you're not very comfortable with the backhand - and how exactly to avoid it
  •  When to use your backhand, and when NOT to 
  •  The secret to setting up the ideal throwing angle and momentum so you can make a stronger, more accurate throw
  • How to develop your backhand so it improves BOTH your consistency and range as an infielder
The Action Plan for Infield Footwork - The confident infielder

Module 6 - Forehand

The forehand compliments the backhand because here is where we will start to make plays that once seemed advanced or difficult and now make them routinely.  

  • Proper forehand mechanics
  • The secret to being able to take deeper angles that will dramatically increase your range. 
  • When you should use the forehand, when you shouldn't, and how to tell the difference.
  • 6 Common forehand mistakes to avoid
  • Using one hand vs two - which way is better

Module 7 - Transition & Throw

The transition from fielding to throwing can either be incredibly awkward or it can be used tremendously to your advantage. 

An efficient transition is one of the most important ways you can shave time off your play (get more outs, beat faster runners) and also to position yourself for a more powerful, more accurate throw.

  • The 3 common mistakes that make the transition awkward, slow, and lead to throwing errors!
  • The exact throwing power position that every elite infielder needs to achieve for maximum arm strength and accuracy
  • Since fielding the baseball is priority #1, it often puts us into a less-than-ideal position to throw out the runner. We're going to talk about the secrets to using the transition to turn an awkward position into a strong one
  • The one simple footwork change that helped me go from an inaccurate thrower to deadly accurate
  • 6 keys to making an accurate throw 
  • The 5 different types of throws, (spin throw, regular, jump throw, side arm, long hop), plus when to use them
  • How to setup for the different types of throws
  • The throwing grip that EVERY elite infielder uses and how to get it perfectly nearly every time
Doug Bernier teaches proper infield mechanics

The Confident Infielder includes...

Baseball instruction and fielding drill videos

3 Hours of Video Instruction from MLB Infielder 

Words alone often aren't enough to teach a physical action. 

That's why this program relies heavily on video, to ensure proper understanding and mechanics. 

3 hours of video instruction from MLB infielder Doug Bernier, includes step-by-step breakdown of the mechanics needed to increase consistency and range.


We're not going to throw a bunch of information at you and then leave you to figure out how to execute on your own. 

Each module has a carefully crafted Action Plan to tell you exactly what practice drills and learning exercises should be done that day (and why!). 

The modules will each be "dripped" out on schedule, with each new one ready to go as soon as the last is completed, and then you'll have lifetime access to them. Come back any time to review or go through the program again with more players


Did you know you can become a better infielder from your couch? 

  • Learn the incredibly valuable skill of HOW to analyze video of hitters, learning how to read hitters to give yourself an advantage in the field.
  • Learn fielding fundamentals (especially footwork) visually... using video and questions to lead to "ah ha" moments.
  • 10 Minutes of fielding video provided for teaching and analysis. 
  • And more
Baseball instruction and fielding drill videos


In addition to the instructional videos, this program contains more than 80 infield practice drills, each with it's own short video clip that clarifies how to execute the drill. 

Whether it's to show your team or refresh your own memory, this organized library of practice drills is easy to use year after year. 


Developing a FEEL for proper mechanics is the bridge between head knowledge and proper execution on the baseball field. 

A very intentional Practice Drill progression has been designed for each module, to help infielders discover and then master each of the critical fielding fundamentals... including the most difficult one of all - footwork!  

There's a popular saying that came out of the experiential learning school of thought (often attributed to Confusious)...

  • "I hear and I forget,
  • I see and I remember, 
  • I do and I understand"

This program includes everything you need to turn on the lightbulb... turning head knowledge into your new reality as an infielder.

Mobile app is free - baseball program


Free mobile app gives you easy access to everything in this course anywhere, including the baseball field (ios/iPhone/iPad only).

Want to watch at the ball park? No problem. Just whip out your phone and rewatch the video, or show your student the video to demonstrate proper execution. No television or DVD player required!

With the app, you can watch your videos or check the Action Plan anywhere you have a wifi connection, or even without if you save it to your iPhone or iPad. 


Your investment in this training is backed by our signature 60-Day “Try The Whole Course” Guarantee.

Here’s how it works:

When you enroll in the course today, you have a FULL 60 days to go through the course 100% risk free. If you feel as if the course just didn’t work for you, email our support team, show us you did the work, and we’ll issue a prompt and courteous refund where you’ll get 100% of your money back.

This training course only lasts 60 days so you get access to the entire course to try everything out. And if it’s not working, all you have to do is email us before the 60th day, show us you tried to do the work, and we’ll give your money back.

Why do I offer such a lenient guarantee?

I know, without a shadow of doubt, that this training program can help you become a better infielder... or if you're a coach, to help your infielders see tremendous progress. And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and prove it to you by offering such a lenient guarantee.

Why do I ask that you show me the work?

That’s simple. I only want people to join this program if they really want to get better in the infield. And if that’s you, you’re going to do the work anyway, so you will have no problem providing it. I don’t want any “lookie loos” who want to waste my time (and their own time).

The only question is this…


When you play poor defense, it has an effect on everything else, especially your pitching." 

- John Felske, Former Phillies' Manager

How to properly transition footwork into throwing infield

A Message from the Instructor  

" I've condensed more than 2 decades of learning from the best infielders & coaches ever to play the game with my own experience into easy-to-follow, 60 day program

In fact, I've estimated it would take 15 to 20 private lessons with a player to teach them everything in this course. 

The going rate for lessons where I live is $100 per hour. So a parent could easily spend $2,000 on a kid learning this info, and even so, he wouldn't have the benefit of being able to go back and review or refresh what he learned.

To me, that is unacceptable. 

Learning elite defense changed my life, so I want to make sure it's not only "the lucky few" who have access to this information. I've spent months - many, many long days -working to make that goal a reality through The Confident Infielder program."  

- Doug Bernier, MLB infielder & Course Instructor

The Confident Infielder

  • Master elite defensive fundamentals in 60 days 
  • 3+ hours of video instruction from MLB infielder - TX Rangers' infielder Doug Bernier
  • Daily execution plans - 60 days worth of learning and practice plans, specifically designed to move an infielder through the stages of learning to mastery.
  • Library of Drill videos - 80+ short video clips showing proper execution for each practice drill
  • Lifetime access- Work at your own pace... And coaches, you can use the program again and again, year after year
  • Free ios Mobile app - Easy access to your videos and practice plans anywhere you have a signal; *for ios/iphone/iPad only (you can also save them to any mobile device)
  • Team practice plans - 10 minute "plug-n-play" team practice plans

Are you ready to become a more confident, more sought after infielder? Click a button below to enroll.

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The Confident Infielder -


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PS. A Message from the Instructor  

This course condenses more than 2 decades of learning from the best infielders & coaches ever to play the game, along with my own experience, into an easy-to-follow, 60 day, step-by-step learning program.

In fact, I've estimated it would take 15 to 20 private lessons to teach all of the skills you'll master in this course.  

The going rate for lessons where I live is $100 per hour. 

So a parent could easily spend $2,000 or more on a kid learning this info! (And that's IF you can find someone with the knowledge & experience to teach these skills.)

And even having spent $2,000 on private lessons, your son wouldn't have the benefit of being able to go back and review or refresh what he learned.  

To me, that is unacceptable.  

Learning elite defense changed my life, so I want to make sure it's not only "the lucky few" who have access to this information. I've spent months - many, many long days - working to make that goal a reality through The Confident Infielder program."  

- Doug Bernier, MLB infielder & Course Instructor

Have questions? Click here or email

* A standard license can be used by a single coach plus any of his current assistant coaches, year after year after year after... (forever). 

** If you are interested in purchasing this program for a league or use in a commercial facility, please contact Sarah(at)

Do you need to purchase a license for your entire league or commercial facility? Contact Sarah(at) for group discounts or league fundraising information